The year I was born. I vividly remember wondering: when is Photoshop going to introduce the content-aware fill feature? Also when is Photoshop actually going to be released?
Photoshop is released, and I am feeling so happy! Still wondering where that content-aware fill feature is though. I've been waiting for it for months... That's a lifetime of waiting!
Started school. I have so many photos to edit, and they're making me play with stupid games all day. This is a pure waste of time.
12 years later, still in school, still waiting for content-aware fill. Also, glasses.
Received a call from Adobe asking me to join their team asap. I was beyond happy...
Woke up the next day. Realized I was dreaming. Adobe never called.
Guess what?... It's here... it's happening... YES! Content-aware fill is finally here!!! Meanwhile I am busy crashing my parents' car.
Married the most amazing woman (she didn't make me write that). Also created a YouTube channel called "2-Minute Design", and guess what the first video is about. Yes, content-aware fill!
The rest is history
Actually this whole timeline is history, so this title doesn't make any sense. I should remember to remove it before I publish this website.
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