Photoshop posts

Auto-Remove People | Photoshop
Auto-Remove People | Photoshop
We're going to learn how to automatically select and remove unwanted people in Photoshop, with a single click.
Disable Automatic Lists (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Disable Automatic Lists (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Problem: you're trying to add text on a new line in Photoshop, but it's being detected as a list. Solution: watch this video :)
(NEW!) Auto-Remove Wires and Cables | Photoshop
(NEW!) Auto-Remove Wires and Cables | Photoshop
We're going to remove some wires with a single click using a new feature in Photoshop.
Can't Undo Anymore (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Can't Undo Anymore (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Problem: you're trying to undo multiple times in Photoshop, but you reach a point where you can't undo anymore. Solution: watch this video :)
Create a Spinning GIF Preloader | Photoshop
Create a Spinning GIF Preloader | Photoshop
In 2 minutes, learn how to create an animated GIF preloader in Photoshop.
Brush is Slow / Lagging (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Brush is Slow / Lagging (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Problem: you're using the Brush tool in Photoshop but it's lagging. Solution: watch this video :)
Eyedropper Changes Background Color (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Eyedropper Changes Background Color (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Problem: you're using a brush in Photoshop, and you hold the Alt or Option key to temporarily switch to the Eyedropper tool and sample a color. But when you click to sample, it's changing the background color instead of the foreground color. Solution: watch this video :)
Path Filling Outside (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Path Filling Outside (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Problem: you're trying to fill a path in Photoshop, but it's filling the area outside of it. Solution: watch this video :)
Stuck in Capital Uppercase Letters (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Stuck in Capital Uppercase Letters (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Problem: you're trying to add some text in Photoshop, but the letters are all uppercase. Solution: watch this video :)
(NEW!) Bulleted and Numbered Lists | Photoshop
(NEW!) Bulleted and Numbered Lists | Photoshop
Now you can create bulleted and numbered lists in Photoshop with a click of a mouse button.
Line Stroke Width / Thickness Not Working (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Line Stroke Width / Thickness Not Working (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Problem: you're trying to change the stroke thickness of a line in Photoshop, but you're unable to do that. Solution: watch this video :)
(NEW!) The Selection Brush Tool | Photoshop
(NEW!) The Selection Brush Tool | Photoshop
The new Selection Brush tool in Photoshop allows you to easily create quick selections with the flexibility of a brush.
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