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Play Audio While Scrubbing (SOLVED!) | Premiere Pro
Play Audio While Scrubbing (SOLVED!) | Premiere Pro
Problem: you're moving the timeline playhead in Premiere Pro, but you're unable to hear any audio unless you actually play the video. Solution: watch this video :)
Wrap Text Into Any Shape | Adobe Illustrator
Wrap Text Into Any Shape | Adobe Illustrator
In 2 minutes, we'll learn how to wrap text into any custom shape we want in Illustrator.
Close All Gaps Between Clips | Premiere Pro
Close All Gaps Between Clips | Premiere Pro
Problem: you're editing in Premiere Pro but you find out there are gaps between some clips. Solution: watch this video :)
Auto-Remove People | Photoshop
Auto-Remove People | Photoshop
We're going to learn how to automatically select and remove unwanted people in Photoshop, with a single click.
Keep Two Words Together / Non-Breaking Space (SOLVED!) | Adobe Illustrator
Keep Two Words Together / Non-Breaking Space (SOLVED!) | Adobe Illustrator
Problem: you're trying to add text in Illustrator, but some words that should go together are breaking into the next line. Solution: watch this video :)
The Appearance Panel (Basics) | Adobe Illustrator
The Appearance Panel (Basics) | Adobe Illustrator
The Appearance Panel in Illustrator is a powerful feature that allows you to easily view and adjust the appearance attributes for an object, group, or layer.
Ungroup All Groups and Subgroups (SOLVED!) | Adobe Illustrator
Ungroup All Groups and Subgroups (SOLVED!) | Adobe Illustrator
Problem: you're trying to ungroup an object in Illustrator, but every time you ungroup, a new subgroup appears. Solution: watch this video :)
(NEW!) Automatically Generate Swatch Cards | Adobe Illustrator
(NEW!) Automatically Generate Swatch Cards | Adobe Illustrator
In the November 2024 release of Illustrator, there's a new feature that allows you to generate color information cards right from the Swatches panel.
Disable Automatic Lists (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Disable Automatic Lists (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Problem: you're trying to add text on a new line in Photoshop, but it's being detected as a list. Solution: watch this video :)
(NEW!) Auto-Remove Wires and Cables | Photoshop
(NEW!) Auto-Remove Wires and Cables | Photoshop
We're going to remove some wires with a single click using a new feature in Photoshop.
Can't Distribute Spacing Evenly (SOLVED!) | Adobe Illustrator
Can't Distribute Spacing Evenly (SOLVED!) | Adobe Illustrator
Problem: you're trying to distribute objects evenly in Illustrator, but when you click "Distribute Center" in the Align panel, the distance between the objects is not the same. Solution: watch this video :)
Distribute Space Evenly | Adobe Illustrator
Distribute Space Evenly | Adobe Illustrator
In Illustrator, you can use the Align panel to align and distribute objects. But how do you distribute objects evenly, even if they have different dimensions?
Can't Undo Anymore (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Can't Undo Anymore (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Problem: you're trying to undo multiple times in Photoshop, but you reach a point where you can't undo anymore. Solution: watch this video :)
Create a Spinning GIF Preloader | Photoshop
Create a Spinning GIF Preloader | Photoshop
In 2 minutes, learn how to create an animated GIF preloader in Photoshop.
(NEW!) Align Objects to a Path | Adobe Illustrator
(NEW!) Align Objects to a Path | Adobe Illustrator
There's a new tool in the October 2024 release of Illustrator that allows you to attach and align objects to a curved or straight-line path.
Brush is Slow / Lagging (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Brush is Slow / Lagging (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Problem: you're using the Brush tool in Photoshop but it's lagging. Solution: watch this video :)
Eyedropper Changes Background Color (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Eyedropper Changes Background Color (SOLVED!) | Photoshop
Problem: you're using a brush in Photoshop, and you hold the Alt or Option key to temporarily switch to the Eyedropper tool and sample a color. But when you click to sample, it's changing the background color instead of the foreground color. Solution: watch this video :)
Animate a Character With Your Voice (FREE) | Adobe Express
Animate a Character With Your Voice (FREE) | Adobe Express
Using the free version of Adobe Express, we will create an animated character from an audio recording.
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