Illustrator posts

Offset Path Creates Double Lines (SOLVED!) | Adobe Illustrator
Offset Path Creates Double Lines (SOLVED!) | Adobe Illustrator
Problem: you're trying to offset a path using the Offset Path feature in Illustrator. But when you do that, 2 more lines appear, one on each side of the original path. Solution: watch this video :)
(NEW!) Intertwine Shapes and Text | Adobe Illustrator
(NEW!) Intertwine Shapes and Text | Adobe Illustrator
In Illustrator 2023, there is a new feature called "intertwine" that allows you to easily reorder or overlap parts of a shape, object or text in a dynamic new way.
(NEW!) Create Bulleted or Numbered Lists | Adobe Illustrator
(NEW!) Create Bulleted or Numbered Lists | Adobe Illustrator
In the July 2022 release of Illustrator, Adobe has introduced a new feature: bulleted and numbered lists.
Slow Saving and Large File Size (SOLVED!) | Adobe Illustrator
Slow Saving and Large File Size (SOLVED!) | Adobe Illustrator
Problem: you're trying to save an Illustrator file, but it's taking forever to finish saving. The file size is also very large. Solution: watch this video :)
Release All Clipping Masks (SOLVED!) | Adobe Illustrator
Release All Clipping Masks (SOLVED!) | Adobe Illustrator
Problem: you're trying to release all clipping masks in an Illustrator file. But every time you release one, another one appears! Solution: watch this video :)
3D Text | Adobe Illustrator
3D Text | Adobe Illustrator
In this quick tutorial, we will learn how to create a 3D text in Illustrator using the 3D and Materials panel.
Turn Hand Drawing Into Vector Shape | Illustrator
Turn Hand Drawing Into Vector Shape | Illustrator
We're going to learn how to capture a hand-drawn sketch and then turn it into an editable vector shape.
Create a 3D Retro Text Effect | Illustrator
Create a 3D Retro Text Effect | Illustrator
We will learn how to create an awesome 3D vintage typography effect in Adobe Illustrator.
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